
How heavy is heavy? Pregnancy question.?

by Guest63664  |  earlier

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They say to avoid heavy lifting in pregnancy - but obviously we all have to carry on with lifting the 2 year old into car seat, carrying baskets of wet washing, moving things to clean under them.....I'm confused. I don't plan on lifting cars or anything but i am quite strong and think nothing of lifting heavy objects normally. What should i avoid? And can I wallpaper my living room? (nesting already lol)




  1. I've read that determining how heavy is heavy is up to the woman and how much she is used to lifting. The heavy lifting itself isn't to avoid hurting the baby (which is what most people are quick to assume) but to protect the pregnant woman who's muscles go softer and can tolerate less strain while she is pregnant. To avoid pulling anything or back strain just keep lifting what you are used to and nothing more.  As far as the wallpaper is concerned, I have never done it, if it involves inhaling somesort of chemical/glue I would advice against it.

  2. What is considered heavy really depends on what you are used to lifting normally. If you did all those things before you got pregnant, chances are good it's safe to continue them into pregnancy. Just be careful! If you start to get strained stop and take a break, or wait to finish the next day. You know your body and you know if something is getting too much to handle, just use your best judgment so you don't strain your body. After all that is what's housing your growing baby. As for wallpapering, I think it should be ok as long as you are in a well ventilated room so you aren't inhaling fumes from anything... Have fun!

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