
How high will gas prices get?

by Guest63167  |  earlier

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How high will gas prices get in the next 1-3 years?




  1. I believe that it will go somewhere near $5 a gallon then something has to change because our society and economy wont be able to sustain itself with the strain.

    So if it does go beyond $5 a gallon I'm afraid of what will happen.

  2. That's up to the world market.

  3. Wish I knew, but here are some joke about high gas prices that may ease your stress.

  4. Gas right now where I live is 3.98 I see it getting as high as 5.00 or a bit more.The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!!

  5. In England apparently its going to be at about £1.20 ish for a litre until 2010 or something :S

  6. These people need to be careful quoting prices. Gas can probably go that far. These people want a reason to increase.

  7. they're projected to rise to around $6.999 per gallon in 2009

  8. the bubble is about to burst, It is Speculators driving up the price, its almost like the dot com frenzy of the late 90's, I will say about 15 dollars a gallon before the government does something

  9. They will keep going up until there is no more left for anyone...

  10. no way to know...but there is increasing demand from china and India and less production from Mexico,Venezuela,and the north sea [Britain, Norway] sky is limit.. we cant just quit

  11. I just heard on the news that they estimate 10-12 bucks a gallon in the near future!!They already pay about that over in the UK

  12. There are a few options that will bring gas prices down.

    1) The government will step in to reconstruct the way oil companies are functioning.

    2) When prices get to be more outrageous than they are, we won't have any other choice than to boycott the major oil companies.  We will see the need to buy our gasoline from alternate suppliers, then those big oil providers will have to drop their prices.

    3) Alternate energy sources.

    How far the prices are predicted to get in the next three years is any ones guess.

  13. I think sleepy but can't sleep is exactly right.  There is no rational explanation for continually rising oil prices.  Oil and other commodities are going through a bubble period fueled by speculators, just like tech stocks and housing over the last decade.

    Oh, gas prices may keep rising in the short term, maybe even as high as $5.  But at some point the bubble will pop and prices will fall dramatically.  

    My bet is within 2 years, gas prices will be back down to $3 per gallon or lower.

  14. I think it will keep getting higher until we FINALLY start utilizing alternative fuel.

  15. about 7 dollar by 2011

  16. you will have to give your first born.

  17. they say by this time next year gas will be $10  and $4 this summer

  18. Difficult to say, most likely the same as the rest of the world.

    Until the Congress gets off its bottom and develops a true energy policy for this country,  including developing known oil fields here, gas will continue to go up.

  19. As high as people will pay. In other countries, it is my understanding that gasoline costs quite a bit more than it does in the US now.

    When countries begin to SERIOUSLY pursue alternatives to gasoline, the oil companies will begin lowering prices.

  20. $1/year for the next 20 years.

  21. at least up to $5 or $7 per gallon

  22. in my opinion they are already WAY too high but i wouldnt doubt it if it gets up to at least $6.00 a gallon

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