
How hot is too hot?

by  |  earlier

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Hi! well i am just about to go to a horse riding lesson and it is 101 degrees outside ( i live in california) also it is an outdoor arena yuck!

Yep it will be really hot tonight.

Anyways what is the hottest weather you have ridden in?

Is this going to be bad to work my horse tonight?





  1. I've had a riding lesson in that temp before and it was miserable!!! I didn't ride in the arena but rather walked on the trails, it was still sooooooooo hot!!!

  2. if your horse is used to being in this type of weather it's not too bad for them as long as you make sure they have plenty of water before and after they work (but make sure they're cool before you give it to them)

    the outdoor arena may actually work to your advantage if there is a breeze -- indoors get stuffy.

  3. Its been hotter than heck here, I'm in California to Southern.   I haven't ridden in the last couple of days and they said on the news that the next few days will even be hotter.  Its probably about 90 right now and its almost 9pm.  I do hope you got a little ride in, the next few days look really bad.  I'm going to have an indoor arena put in, i have two outdoor and i want air conditioning.

  4. Well, I live in Canada, so I'm on the Celcius system, not Farenheight... but I'm assuming that 101 is very hot. :)

    You can still ride, just try not to do too much cantering or too much trotting, and you'll be fine. Remember to water your horse after and to cool him down. Once he's all taken care of, make sure you get some water too!

    After reading some of your posts, (I think your horse is 20 you said?) I gathered that your horse is an older guy, so maybe just take it easy on him tonight. ;)

  5. if you dont want to do the work your horse is doing just try to do the work your horse is doing i live in california and its sopoussed to be 105 on thursday!!!!! yikes i have a lesson then

  6. Dont get mad when people dont answer right away. Its annoying.

    He will be fine if you take care to keep him as cool as possible. Offer him water, spray him off, keep everything easy.

    98 degrees is my record

    and 96 with 80% humidity

  7. It's fine, but make sure you and the horse have water before and after the lesson.

    Don't worry, it wouldn't cause any harm, you just are both going to be tired!

  8. If the temperature is above 90 degrees, I won't ride in the heat of the day.  I will ride very early or very late.  I never ask my horses to work in such heat and we have a lot of humidity also.  Working in 101 degrees will be very difficult for your horse.  Pay close attention to his breathing and sweating and make sure you stop often for rest and heat and water breaks.  You should think about what is best for your horse.  He is about a million times more  sensitive than a human so things effect him more.  I would never work my horse in that kind of heat.

  9. i have rode in temps of 101 before. its just the horse just doesn't listen that well. it will be a lil hard. but it is REALLY bad when it is really windy. cuz the horse cant hear that well so it will do dumb things!

  10. Hottest weather...about 105.  But what people fail to take into the reflected heat off the ground.  I checked one day when my daughter wanted to ride in the heat.  The outside AIR temperature was about 103.  The heat coming off the road before she got to the trails was 137.  She was only allowed to be gone one hour...and I warned her if the horse came back with sweat marks all over it...she would be in BIG trouble.  She returned home in the allotted time...and then she had to cool the horse with water.  She chose to take the horse into the river...but it works the same when you take a hose and start with the legs of the horse.  Working up the legs and on the belly and between the legs.  Then moving the hose to over the horse's back, then up the neck.

    It's not bad when approached with common sense.  Make sure the horse is cooled and offered water after cooling down.  

    In certain areas the heat cannot be avoided.  Learning to care for your horse in temperatures that are extreme is valuable.  Also helps if the horse is acclimated to the temps.  I wouldn't take a horse fresh from cooler climates...and work them in hot temperatures.
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