
How i can lose to weight????

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i need to lose weight, because, i felt alike fat, so any advice or suggestion? thank you




  1. Hi Jose,

    I have felt your pain before. I suggest you first look at your diet. Try not to consume any foods that have trans fat (partially hydrogentated oils) such as some chips or cookies. Avoid fast food, they have lots of trans fats. Also try to avoid drinking soda, as it has high fructose corn syrup, will likely make you fat. Try to drink water only, avoid juices as well. Drink lots of water, eat a well balanced meal and avoid junk food. Also try to not overeat, look to eat 2-3 meals a day and some snacks in between. The main part of your diet is to cut out soda and trans fats. It will make a big difference.

    Next, if you aren't very active, become active. Try to do some sports that involve cardio. Go running, play basketball. If you do not have gym membership, try to get one. You should start working out, do some bench presses, bicep/shoulder workouts, leg workouts. Working out is a great form of exercise and will help you not only lose fat but also convert that fat into muscle. You will also feel refreshed afterwards and not feel fat.

    So basically it sums up to revise your diet and exercise.  

  2. Well, it all depends on your height, weight, and so on. Generally, for males you want to consume at least 1500 calories, and I think it is 1000-1300 for women? Eat healthy foods, avoid fattening or junk food at all costs, and consume 6-8 cups [at max, I'd say 10, or 2.5 litres] of water a day. Mix in weekly cardio [running 3 times a week, rotating between that and walking, etc] and weight training [your own choice, there], and you should be set.

  3. Eat plenty of green vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition. Also lift weights in circuit fashion to get a cardio workout plus stimulate your lean body tissue and speed up your metabolism. Here are some free workout videos and other tips to lose weight fast..

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