
How i can study my lessons ?

by Guest58371  |  earlier

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This is my last year in school then i will go to the university, but i need some one give me some steps to how studying, because i need perfect score to go the university.




  1. Well, it depends on what you are studying. You will use different techniques for each course depending on the subject, the teacher, and the demands of the class.

    In general, the more you are exposed to the material, the better you will remember it. Read your books before you go to class. In class, take careful notes. Review these notes everyday. Create mind maps of the material you are learning. Create possible test questions before quizzes and exams. This is a great way to review the material. I

    f you make flash cards, be sure to study them from both sides. When you make the card, put the vocabulary word or concept on one side. You may want to include a sentence that contains the word. Put the definition on the other side of the card; however, leave the term off this side. When you study, read the word and guess the definition. When you think you have the definitions down, flip the cards over and try to guess the word based on the definition. This is a great technique for Fill in the Blank tests.

    I'm sure your hard work will help you achieve your academic goals.

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