
How is Ethanol produced?

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How is Ethanol produced?




  1. ethanol and alcohol are one and the same thing. alcohol is made in a fermenter. the following processes take place.

    1. barley seeds are germinated. they make the amylase active and therefore digesting the starch.

    2. seeds are dried and killed to make malt

    3. malt is ground up and mixed with water in a turn mash.

    4. malt is boiled and filtered

    5. yeast is added to ferment the maltose

    in a fermenter the tempreture and ph are kept constant and there you have you ethenol.

  2. Ethanol is mainly produced by processing corn. However, ethanol can be produced with the use of algae, and other types of plants.

  3. Ethanol is alcohol, just like vodka.  You ferment grains to have bacteria make alcohol as a by-product of fermentation

  4. BioFuel Questions.

  5. I think ethanol is made from corn

  6. It's created by using yeast to ferment  sugar.   Starch can be converted into sugar and therefor made into alcohol.  THe two most common method is from sugar cane which provide the sugar or Corn which contain the starch to convert into sugar then alcohol.   Sugar cane method is more efficient.  For drinking purpose you can make it from wheat, rice , potatoes, fruit juices or other product to make ethanol.   The thought is that we can make ethanol frome cellulose, which would produce an economical source for alcohol.   Cellulose exist in allplants, and we just ferment various garbage to make our fuel.

  7. You make beer with any plant material that contains a lot of sugar. The higher the sugar content in the material the higher the alcohol content will be yeilded in the fermentation process. Corn, beets, saw grass, sugar cane, potatoes etc.

    Once the fermentation process is over then the alcohol is distilled by heating the beer. The alcohol is evaporated in a distillation column. It is possible to get about 194% proof alcohol through distillation. The rest of the moisture is removed by passing the evaporated liquid through a drying tower full of material that absorbs water.

    Pure 200% proof alcohol can be mixed with gasoline or used by itself as fuel.

    V2 rockets during WWII used 150% proof alcohol distilled from potatoes.

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