
How is London on october?

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I am planning to visit London on October, however, I am afraid that it will be cold and rainy. I know it rains all the time there and the weather is unpredictable...But would it really be better to reschedule the trip for another month? August maybe?




  1. I actually went there in October and my then boyfriend told me to expect rain and it being cold. He was so wrong, it was warm and sunny the whole ten days I was there. But then again, he did tell me that was completely out of the norm.

  2. if u have a close friend or relative u enjoy being with along the trip it doesn't matter

  3. to be honest is very unpredictable. Right now is supposed to be summer...its raining none stop and is freezing. In March we had 2 weeks of blazing sun followed by now..

    however October you'd expect to be quite cold. I'd say 7/8 doesnt get to freezing till december. and it WILL rain  I assure you. Take an umbrella everywhere you go and a jacket. But you never know you might be suprised and the sun will shine.

  4.'ll hear plenty of English accents! Ye sit is cold and most likely it will just have to wear a waterproof jacket..a light one is best over a warm jersey top....have  a hood or hat it is better not to bother with umbrellas.

  5. I went there last August (around the 15-30) and I froze.

    I live in Canada so I thought I'd be used to it. Turns out I had to bring a blanket with me everywhere I went. Everything is pretty expensive nowadays. Most of the English moved so you won't find many british accents, mostly polish and other neighbouring countries. The currency exchange rate is bloody ridiculous. But have fun, though :)

    Oh PS it's illegal to feed any pigeons now. Buckingham Palace is now deserted.

    Yet again, have plenty fun.

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