
How is Water Skiing Played?

by Guest33335  |  earlier

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How is Water Skiing Played?




  1. biggest jumps, best moves, ect.

  2. It's not played, like a game. It's just learned, mastered, and skilled. Amazing to watch when it's done so well.

  3. Cut and that what you mean by "played"?

  4. You need a very fast boat,about 30ft of nylon rope and a very large lake,and a pair of water ski's:attach the rope to the boat ,get the ski's on your feet and tell the guy towing you to take up the slack on the rope,oh one other thing ,you need an observer in the boat with the driver ,because if you fall off the ski's the observer can tell the driver to turn around and run you over,oop's i mean pick you up,if you can't stand on the ski's? Get a skate board as it will probably be safer,or stay behind your computer,and learn from it what you need to water ski??You must think i came down with the last lot of rain EH!!

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