
How is a polysaccharide formed?

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How is a polysaccharide formed?




  1. by polymerization of 2 molecules sucrose with elimination of water

  2. polysaccharides are formed through enzyme-catalysed condensation (joining of two molecules with water being a by-product) reactions between other saccharide units.  

    The reaction involves the removal of a OH- group from one saccharide and H+ from another.  The two units join through a glycosidic bond to form the di/oligo/poly saccharide and the OH- and H+ join to form water.  This reaction is catalysed by enzymes.  In a alpha or beta(1,4) condensation reaction the glycosidic bond is between carbons 1 and 4 of the subunits, alpha and beta refer to the orientation of the bond (i.e. above or below the plane of the sugar ring).

  3. A polysaccharide forms when mono- or disaccharides combine in a condensation polymerisation reaction. A long chain of α-glucose, for example, is the polysaccharide starch. ß-glucose, on the other hand, forms cellulose.

    There are also other polysaccharides, formed through different sugars such as fructose, sucrose, galactose etc.

  4. A polysaccharide processing useful flow and gel-forming properties is prepared by cultivation of Pseudomonas sp NCIB 11264 (ATCC 31260). The polysaccharide, which readily can be produced in up to 75% yield by continuous culture, possesses properties which are similar to those of xanthan and other gums.

    For more detail visit following websites :

  5. plysaccharides are polymers of monsaccharide units joined in particular ways. Animal starch ( glycogen ) for example is a polymer of glucose molecules joined in linear chains alpha , 1, 4...and branches on these chains alpha 1, 6 .

    so the 1 carbon of one glucose bonds with a 4 carbon of another glucose which then bonds to the 4 carbon of another glucose.The branches occur as a result of the braching enzyme which takes a linear chain of 6 glucose molecules joined in 1, 4 bonds ..and sticks that chain on the 6th carbon of another glucose chain..making a branch.

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