
How is global warming a problem.?

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How is global warming a problem.?




  1. It's not a problem.  As the other answer said it's mostly a scare tactic.

    If anything, it would be a great benefit to the human race.  Think of all the possible farm land in Canada and Russia that would be opened up.

    That being said, we should do our part to be responsible for the environment.  But don't believe all the c**p politicians are spewing out, the Earth will be just fine.

  2. Global Warming is getting the Earth hotter every time and that's why the glaciers are melting. In a few years we won't have glaciers, and after that the Earth will have no life at all if we don't help and stop it right now. Take action now and go to:

    and check out the page about how to stop global warming and learn how you can help save our beautiful planet Earth.

  3. Wow! Thanks for such an insightful question! Most people will peg down global warming into different theories immediately. But for you to actually ask what it is about is so refreshing.

    Well, for you to better understand it, watch Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth. I learned it all from there.

  4. Cons:

    - Warmer temperatures (now at the far high end of prediction ranges)

    - Sea level rise (recently shown to be accellerating)

    - Glacial and ice cap melting (happening much faster than predicted)

    - Resource wars (currently in Darfur)

    - Food riots (recently in Haiti, etc.)

    - Disruption of wildlife (Spring occuring earlier, etc.)

    - Moving ecological zones (pikas moving higher in elevation, tree species moving northward, etc.)

    - Reduced snowpack (reduced water supplies) and increased incidence of drought

    - Increased incidence of extreme weather

    - Heat and drought damage to crops

    - Ocean acidification, coral reef bleaching, disruption of ocean food chains

    - Extinction of much of the life on this planet (as happened in the Permain-Triassic Extinction)

    It was originally thought that more CO2 could result in more plant growth, but it turns out that that growth is less nutritious:

    Warming may change the nature of the food we eat


    Supporting evidence and links to in-depth discussions:

    1) Global temperature is rising.  No temperature data sets disagree with the measured trend of 120+ years of global warming (or they'd be trotted out regularly in these discussions).  Not one.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.  None.

    2) The 750°K temperature of Venus, with its atmosphere of 90% carbon dioxide, is strong evidence supporting greenhouse gas theory.

    3) It's been confirmed through carbon isotope analysis that mankind has increased CO2 levels significantly, as temperatures rose.

    4) The scientists in the 10 national science academies that jointly drafted this statement say it's real:

    Joint Statement of Science Academies: Global Response to Climate Change [PDF], 2005

    How many major scientific organizations (not created as PR stunt) have expressed skepticism or doubt?  None.  Zero.

    It is interesting to note that the so-called skeptical scientists don't seem to exist.  Their alleged existance seems to be a PR scam on the part of oil and coal companies, who have hired former tobacco industry lobbyists to run a disinformation campaign:

    Slamming the Climate Skeptic Scam

    "Few PR offences have been so obvious, so successful and so despicable as the attack on the scientific certainty of climate change.

    One major funding source:

    Exxposing ExxonMobil's Agenda: Manipulating Politics and the Public

    Television and cable networks gladly run fake science to increase controversy and keep their ratings and income high:

    At Fox News, a Pundit for Hire

    "Objective viewers long ago realized that Fox News has a political agenda. But, when a pundit promotes this agenda while on the take from corporations that benefit from it, then Fox News has gone one disturbing step further"

    The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, documents how the media supports the false appearance of controversy on the topic of global warming:

    Creating controversy where science finds consensus

    "A new study has found that when it comes to U.S. media coverage of global warming , superficial balance—telling "both" sides of the story—can actually be a form of informational bias."

    Media False Balancing Allowed Extreme Views to be Treated Same as Scientific Consensus

    Here's how scientific papers pro and con stack up:

    The consensus was quantified in a Science study by Prof. Naomi Oreskes (Dec. 2004) in which she surveyed 928 scientific journal articles that matched the search [global climate change] at the ISI Web of Science. Of these, according to Oreskes, 75% agreed with the consensus view (either implicitly or explicitly), 25% took no stand one way or the other, and none rejected the consensus.


    It's well documented that global warming is happening:

    Confirmation of scientists' proof of global warming (which predicts tropospheric warming with stratospheric cooling):


    The Fu team’s work indicates the troposphere has been warming at about two-tenths of a degree Celsius, or nearly one-third of a degree Fahrenheit, per decade. That closely resembles measurements of warming at the surface, something climate models have suggested would result if the warmer surface temperatures are the result of greenhouse gases.

    Scientific estimate of species extinctions to result from warming:

    A careful examination of a large number of species in numerous parts of the planet projects that a stunning portion of them will be "committed to extinction" in just 50 years, with only modest global warming (Thomas, 2004).

    Confirming evidence of major extinctions from warming climate:

    Permian–Triassic extinction event

    It was the Earth's most severe extinction event, with up to 96 percent of all marine species and 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrate species becoming extinct. Because approximately 25 percent of species survived the event, the recovery of life on earth took significantly longer than after other extinction events. This event has been described as the "mother of all mass extinctions".

    Confirmation of faster than normal ice sheet melt:

    New research confirms that ice sheets in West Antarctica are thinning at a far faster rate than in past millennia.

    "This winter might become the mildest winter in Northern Norway ever registered. So far the average temperature in parts of the region has been up to eight degrees Celsius above the normal."

    Greenland is melting much faster than scientists (including last year's IPCC report) predicted:

    "Instead of sea levels rising by about 40 centimetres, as the IPCC predicts in one of its computer forecasts, the true rise might be as great as several metres by 2100. That is why, they say, planet Earth today is in 'imminent peril.'"

    "Ground-based surface temperature data shows that the rate of warming in the Arctic from 1981 to 2001 is eight times larger than the rate of Arctic warming over the last 100 years."

    The Pentagon clearly takes global warming very seriously:

    "Pentagon officials warn that abrupt climate change over the next 20 years could throw the world into a state of anarchy -- dwarfing the current threat of terrorism.  In this doomsday scenario, large-scale droughts, famine brought on by food shortages and reduced energy supplies could cause riots around the globe that could culminate in nuclear warfare."

    The report wasn't penned by members of the "Chicken Little sky-is-falling crowd" (as Republican leaders like to call global- warming activists), but by Peter Schwartz, former head of planning for Shell Oil and sometime CIA consultant, and Doug Randall of the Global Business Network, a California think tank.

    The U.S. military will start practicing policing U.S. cities this Summer:

    Sea level rise is accelerating:

    "Global averaged sea level continued to rise through 2006 and 2007.  ...since 1870 there has been a significant increase in the rate of the sea-level rise."

    "A one-meter sea level rise would wreak particular havoc on the Gulf Coast and eastern seaboard of the United States.

    'No one will be free from this,' said Overpeck, whose maps show that every U.S. East Coast city from Boston to Miami would be swamped."

    Evidence that this rate of seal level rise can happen, since it has happened in the past:

    Rohling and his colleagues found an average sea level rise of 1.6m (64in) each century during the interglacial period.

    Back then, Greenland was 3C to 5C (5.4F to 9F) warmer than now - which is similar to the warming period expected in the next 50 to 100 years, Dr Rohling said.

  5. Watch an inconvenient true and The 11th hour.

  6. Its not really. The earth had no polar ice caps in Christopher Columbus' days and we were cool then. Fear is what political people use to control the masses. They predict that the melting ice caps will raise the sea level to an extent that will flood major cities. This is false. They calculated the bulk of the ice fields. If you have 3ft x 3ft of snow, it doesn't mean you'll have 3ftx3ft of water you will have significantly less. You might get a liter of water if you let it melt slowly. Not a cubic yard. Its fear and control. Don't worry, your safe.

  7. Global warming is a political phenomena where a political movement sprang up by exaggerating a mostly natural mostly beneficial phenomena.  It is a psychological phenomena revealing a paranoia and need for drama and a need for a cause and a need to do something positive by a certain segment of the population.  The problem is their desire to do something positive could potentially have extremely negative effects on our freedom and wallets.

  8. Global warming means when Atmospheric air absorbs CO2 and keep the Earth hot and this lead to:-

    a) Rising of Temperature of the Earth

    b) Rising of the Level of Seas & Oceans

    c) Melting of the two pole

    d) Losing of the Arctic Animals

    e) Cause Flooding

  9. well see there has ben a lot of pollution thats why our ozone layer is getting holes and u must know that the ozone layer protcts us from suns harmfull rays and now so it is being destryoed the suns rays are falling directly and melting the ice caps so as they melt it becomes water and because of that waterthe land is decreasing as the water is taking over the land and u must have heard about skin cancers in australia well global warming is the reason

  10. i’ve never seen Mr. Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, but I got the message he was trying to send.  We, the human race, suck. I beg to differ.  We are the cause of the Polar Bears’ Dire situation.  I beg to differ. We are killing the world we so dearly need.  I beg to differ.

    Let’s compare our carbon footprint to the Earth’s.  Every year we put six billion tons of carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere.  Earth puts over 180 billion tons a year into its own atmosphere through oceanic evaporation, plant decay, and volcanic eruptions.  But it’s okay we have no need to worry.  The carbon dioxide that enters the atmosphere doesn’t just sit there and eat holes for sun to slip through.  It is recycled by plants and oceans.  You see, all plants have a repertory system similar to humans in the fact that they breathe in one thing, and breathe out another.  Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide; plants breathe in the carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.  Carbon dioxide is actually a vital ingredient to both human and plant life.

    Global Warming has been happening for many, many, many years; long before the Industrial Revolution.  It is a repeating cycle, ice age, melt, ice age.  Guess where we are at right now.  That’s correct, we’re melting.   Don’t fret though, in about 18,000 years the world will be a frozen wasteland once again and scientists can blame us for that too.  They will say we clogged the hole we burnt in the ozone layer, and now the sun can’t make its way through to heat our frozen planet.  It’s all a cycle.

    April is ending in Sandpoint many people, including me, have over three feet of snow in our yards.  If we continue killing the Earth with global warming, we just might freeze to death.

  11. global warming leads the earth to heat up wich cause the glaciers to melt wich can even sink the whole 7 continents in it

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