
How is global warming affecting alaska?

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  1. melting ice, global rise in sea level affects costal areas, bears coming down to lower elevations to look for food.

  2. When sea ice melts, sea leavels rise and Alaska coastlines (biggeset of any state in the US) erode, causing numerious villages across Alaska to have to relocate. These villages are already plagued by poverty and other problems and seldom have the money for a huge relocation effort.

    There will be invasive species killing off native stecies due to the increce in temperatures  and many more problems. People who say that "its will just get a bit warmer" and "haha, no more snow" Are CLUELESS!

  3. It will turn it into a bread basket that will be able to help poor African nations feed their people.

  4. Doing well and looking forward to palm trees.

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