
How is navy life? read description

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ok so im leaving on january 12, 2009 as a aviation machinist mate. recently i have been talking to people i know that have or been in the navy, most of them tell me to enjoy the few months i got left in civilian world because what im goinig to experience during the time im in its not going to be pretty, i just want a person with experience to tell me how life in the navy really is. also some details about the job im going to be doing.




  1. Well, from what I've heard, be prepared for sodomy. The old saying goes. 100 men go on board, 50 couples come off. I'm not knocking the Navy, I'm sure there's some straight people, but alot of tom foolery goes on.

  2. I was in the Navy in the 80's. It is a different lifestyle than what you are use to. Is it bad? I would not say so. I have many, many good memories. But, it is very real, and can get dangerous if you are not paying attention or are goofing off at the wrong time. It is also a lot of work, and when you are out at sea, it can get boring at times.

    Would I do it again if I could? Absolutely! Even though I didn't want to make a career out of it, it was still a very good experience.

    *EDIT* - Don't listen to any of the trolls that talk about homosexual activities on board ships. They are just jealous that they can't join because of their bed-wetting problem.

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