
How is the life in Karlsruhe?

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I have a very interesting interview in a company based in Karlsruhe. I would like to learn more about the life there.

I am French and come back from a few years spent in Taiwan. I am slightly afraid of the shock if I move there.

How is the life there? Is Karlsruhe a nice city? Fun city?

I thank you in advance for your comments and advice.




  1. As Hilmar said, Karlsruhe is smallish, but nice; it's big enough to have all the amenities you are looking for in a city. Culture is comparatively rich there (see the ZKM for example: ).

    Weather is rather nice - Karlsruhe has about the same climate as Straßburg. It is quite close to the border as well, so you could go shop in French supermarkets, if you want; and I'd guess that you could rather easily get French TV and Radio there.

  2. Hello

    It is quite a fun city very good University so many students but it is no big city  :-)

      I am half French myself and have lived in Paris and Stuttgart beside that Karlsruhe is small but good quality of living I often visited the city as my brother lived there.

    Feel free to mail me if you need more information.

    Bonne soirée

    I found some nice link even in french  :-)

    this one unfortunately only in German  :-(

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