You may or may not get problems with the counsil threatening to give you a massive fine if you don't take care to put the correct garbige into the correct bins because of the current recycling laws.
Here in the UK, we have a black bin for organic waste and a green bin for paper, glass and metal etc.
There are strict rules to follow when you put your garbige into the bins.
If anyone gets it wrong, they can be fined £1,000.
One man decided to punish the counsil for this.
He decided to cut both his green and black bins in half, and then he soldered one green half to the other black half and melted the seem together.
He put all the garbidge into the green/black bin and the counsil took him to court.
They was in a serious legal paradox such that he was fined £1,000 and not fined £1,000 at the same time.
The legal battle went on for 5 years until the priminister had to bring in a law against welding bins together and putting rubbish into them.
He was then fined £500 for putting half the rubbish in the wrong bins, and another £100 for damaging the 2 bins.
The cases cost the counsil £11,000.
What do you think of this?
Snow Man