
How long I need ballet for?

by  |  earlier

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I am a hip-hop/ popper. Everyone is telling me to take ballet classes for grace and to learn to do jumps, turns, etc. I want to know how long do you think I need to take ballet class for? I am not looking to become a ballet dancer or anything. I just want to take it to help me become a better hip-hop/popper. Is their anything I need to know, or anything I need to do to prepare. I am type big so how will that effect me?

Much Love




  1. ok, have been training in ballet for 9 years and just started teaching 2 weeks ago. i think that you should take ballet for a few years, if u can forever. because ballet helps you in so many things, like if u go to audition for lets just say "step up three" they will be more interested in you than some one else who is just as good but has had no ballet training. i would definitely say that your should do ballet at least once a week for as long as you can, even your whole dancing life!

                          hope it helps


  2. i guess ballet can help with timing a lot because the moves are very strict it will give you a lot of strength  especially because of lifts etc(only guys do lifts they have special classes for partnering and the boys are usually better at tricks and jumps and turns in the air that kind of stuff). your core will be more control ed and in ballet your never good enough(I'm not saying this in a bad way) but there is always always room for improvement, you'll become more flexible and if you're taking classes remember turn out from the hips shoulders relaxed stomache sucked in chin up and make sure your butt isn't sticking out that's a no no

    Generally a year can give you some results but usually people continue after that year its very satistfying

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