
How long before gingivitis improves?

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I recently got diagnosed with gingivitis. I brush my teeth regularly and floss. Also use a mouthwash. Don't know what else I can do. I really didn't think I had a problem. Just some slight recession of the gums. I even bought a Sonicare toothbrush. Any suggestions??




  1. Hello, While the tooth brushing and flossing is very important, you may very well have an issue with other health situations. If your not eating a proper diet that could promote unhealthy gums. If your anemic, that too will contribute to unhealthy gum tissue....You don't hear much about it but do you know why a doctor first looks in your mouth when you complain of feeling bad....The mouth and it's structures are a visual record as to what may be going on with the overall body....I know you have heard the term "tired blood"...that indicates the person is having serious issues with a number of situations and the gums will be one of the first body parts, if you will, that will begin to show signs that a health issue exists.

  2. gingivitis is not very bad and is qured easily and just keep it up and be sure to brush your gums slowly wen u do brush . use a non waxed floss wen u have gum disease. use a gumproblem mouthwash like corsodyl

  3. Eat as healthfully as you can, and take some nutritional supplements. At least take a daily multi vitamin/mineral tablet or capsule, and 2 grams of vitamin C a day divided, one in the am and one in the pm.

    It also can help to take extra vitamins A, D, E and B-complex.

    And after you brush your teeth be sure to rinse all the toothpaste away. Then massage your gums with a clean index finger. Your teeth and gums should be squeaky clean, i.e., they should actually squeak against your fingers.

    If you brush your tongue and roof of your mouth as well as your teeth you shouldn't need a mouthwash. Toothpastes and rinses can be irritants.

    The vitamin C is of utmost importance. Even 500 mg twice a day could help; if you want, start with that much.

    Your gums should be noticeably healthier within two weeks or less of beginning the vitamin C, and well may heal back to total health.

    Oh, and if you smoke quit. Smoking can cause gum recession and robs the body of the B and C vitamins.

    Below is a  link with further suggestions, and references for the vitamin C treatment. (The article suggests 1-3 grams of C daily.) You have to find a program you can live with, but you can reverse gingivitis.

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