
How long did it take....?

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to tell your friends and family about the pregnancy? Sometimes people wait about 3 months before telling. Is it bad luck or something?




  1. I told all my family and friends as soon as I found out. I had a miscarriagee 2 months before and I knew that they would be happy for me

  2. Some people are just afraid to tell family and freinds and others want to make sure everything is ok with the baby before they tell anyone.

  3. I told everyone after week 12, because then the chance of miscarraige (and disappointement), is much much lower. But no, it is not bad luck if you tell straight away.

  4. I waited until I was 10 weeks along. Its not bad luck, its just... once you hear the baby's heartbeat, the chances of having a miscarriage drops to 5%. People like to wait until they are in the "safe zone" to say anything.

  5. they say the risk of miscarriage and such goes down after 12 weeks thats why some people wait. I was so excited I blurted it to half the people I knew by 10 weeks lol. I told outsiders after though when they were able to see me showing at about 20 weeks. Tell whenever you are comfortable. good luck :)

  6. Some women are afraid that that might miscarry so they wait to tell people until after the 3 month mark (miscarriage risk decreases dramatically). I told everyone right away anyway.  

  7. some people just wait because they think its bad luck to tell people before three months or because you might miscarry and then you have to go back and tell everyone about that. they might ask you later about the baby and you might get sad about it and stuff. thats just what i think . :)  

  8. Sometimes people don't like to announce it until then because of fear of what people will say/think, or fear of possibly losing the baby. Things are sometimes sort of risky in the first trimester!!

    I told my mom 3 days (I think??) after I found out, she was living in NY so she was far away from me (in FL), and she told my dad for me. Lucky me. HAHA!!

    My boyfriend, however, who's parents lived down the street (and who's house we went to every Sunday for dinner) didn't tell his parents until I was 5 months along!! I wanted to tell them so bad but I felt it wasn't my place, so I refused to go for dinner until he did it on his own, they thought we'd broken up--what a surprise they got!! HAHA!!

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