
How long does GED classes take?

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im 17 thinkin about getting my GED. how long does ged classes take? i herd its twice a week but i dont know how long is it a from new york

1.what time it start an ends

2.after i get my ged what jobs can i get and how much they pay

3.Plz answer




  1. There are many different GED classes./ There is no requirement as to the length or number of classes. obtain a list form your local high school or District Office and select the one whose schedule and location appeals to you.

  2. i took the ged

    its best if u stay n school

    cuz if u think bout college

    alot of em dont take kids wit ged

    i live in alabama

    classes are 2 days a week frm 1pm-4pm

    u can get any job so it varies on how much they pay...

    hope that helped....

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