
How long does ovulation pain last???

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My period comes pretty regularly between 28-30 days. I feel O pain every single month and have been TTC for 3 years now :( My hubby and I are in the "unknown" category for infertility after all our tests and Dr. meetings. I took another approach and was recommended to a chiropractor to check out my lower back for misalignment - sure enough! I was way out of wack which could cause infertility apparently! I've been going to him for 3 months now. Both hubby and I healthy, take our daily vitamins, he's 28 I'm 29. Never in the 3 years of TTC have I felt Opain for more than 2 days. I'm now going on day 4. On day 2 of Opain it was VERY achey and sore, and now it's a dull ache that I can still distinguish very well as o pain. Does anyone else have O pain that lasts this long? This is new for me. I'm also noticing that I DO NOT have breast soreness this month with O like I usually do. Hmmm...any ideas? Maybe it's a dumb question, but I'm just kind of confused?!?!






  1. I'm sorry I don't have a definate answer to your questions, but all I can think of is that your body is changing with the treatment you have been getting.  With any luck it is resolving your problem.

    I would get it on with hubby like rabbits for at least another week, it could be YOUR sign that your body is ovulating, remember everyone IS different, so it may be possible that this is your new tell tale sign for ovulation.

    Good Luck and babydust, I hope your long wait is rewarded very very soon!

  2. I usually get pain a for a few hrs usually a day or so before I ovulate, so if you are still TTC definately get some time with the hubby! :)  Also, just a side note on your infertilitiy: Do some online research on MTHFR mutations... I know it sounds random but I just found out from a blood test that I have a double mutation that and is most likely the cause of my miscarriages and infertilitiy. Talk to your doc about it...The treatment is simple and amazing successful from what I hear. ( Daily mega-dose of Folic Acid/B6/B12 and if you need it, a baby asprin) Good Luck!!!!

  3. You should not go to the chiropractor instead see a physical therapist & an orthopedist and also ask your primary care physician what he thinks of you going to a chiro first. Trust me he wont think much of him.

    Here is the truth about what they do. A chiropractor can do spinal manipulations to relieve stress on spinal nerves caused by things like muscle tension or a slight misalignment of the discs. The manipulation is not a permanent change of anything though, and no - they can't permanently change the natural shape or curvature of a spine. An orthopedist can evaluate the situation and determine if a scoliosis is actually present, and if a brace would be of help. A brace has to be individually fitted though- it's not a one size fits all proposition. A chiropractor can be helpful in musculo-skeletal aches and pains, through manipulation and massage- but aside from that it's all smoke and mirrors. If you have back pain from the misalignment, they can help relieve that. But nothing they do is going to be a permanent fix. Spines don't work that way. To change a spine takes surgery and braces. Most chiropractors are quacks and want to take a full body X-ray and have you going to them for a long time. In my opinion they are just as good a back rub. But to each his or her own. Chiropractors do not have a medical degree nor are they FDA approved.  I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.


  4. hmmm...were you TTC this month?  Perhaps the pain you are feeling is implantation ???????  

    I didn't think O pain was supposed to last longer than about a day though.  I have read where you can feel it before, during or after the time you actually O.  4 days seems a bit extreme to me but that is because I usually only have very very little O pain.  

    Here is a site with some info about Ovulation.

    Are you using fertilityfriend at all?  We used this to get pregnant with our 2nd daughter to chart our cycles and such.  

    I don't really know..But I'm hoping that you are pregnant :)  Good luck !

  5. I usually have O pain anywhere from 2-3 days.  Sometimes it can come before O or after O.  I don't know!  It's strange.  Sorry, I know this wasn't much help!

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