
How long is your commute everyday?

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How long is your commute everyday?




  1. Driving... 5 minutes, walking (which is what I normally do) 15-20 depending on the song Im listening to

  2. 20 minutes each way so 40 minutes total on the Chicago transit system

  3. 35 miles..each traffic

  4. 30 secs, from my bedroom to my living room.  Unless I have to go see a customer which can take anywhere from an hour to 24 hours.

  5. 50 miles. 25 miles to work and 25 miles back on I75 where half the time you're lucky to be going 45 mph!

  6. 10 min in the morning and 15 min in the evening only 4 miles each way. I LOVE IT!!!

  7. Before being disabled it was anywhere from 4 miles up to a 2 1/2 hr. one way drive. It just depends on where our next job is.

  8. 5miles ~ 10minutes

    its freakin sweet, i get up at 8:10am to be to work at 8:50

  9. Umm..well about 25-30 min depending on how fast I go and how many other idiots are awake that early. :)

  10. 46 miles one way.. over a mountain pass in good weather and bad.  Usually takes me only 45-50 minutes, so it's way better than sitting in traffic and more scenic.

  11. 9.2 miles (55 minutes)

  12. 40 minutes drive through maddening traffic

  13. About three feet at best. I live where I work.

    (Contract firefighter in Baghdad, Iraq)

  14. 65 miles one way, approx 2 hours (Long Island to Midtown Manhattan)

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