
How long till proper racing starts?

by  |  earlier

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These jumps just ask too much of the horses..Hurdles maybe but long distance Chases ,asking too much..Know Horses like to jump and they are trained for it..If you loved something you would not ask it to risk its life....Stop breeding so many c**p horses,then we can watch better class racing...Willie Carson once said"Horses run out of fear as a pack animal",so i question how much they enjoy racing..The Flats acceptable,despite causlties,maybe caused by racing too young or bad breeding....While were here why stick barbed metal in fishes mouth,you blood junkies have no brain or shame...If its got a face dont eat it..Medical experiements on animals keeping us sicker,these inhumane experiements all about money..Huntingdon Sciences i curse you..You are the lowest of the low...Modern Farming is cruel,enviromentally not freindly and inefficent...Still expect CRACKPOTS out bear baiting...Not that id worry about a tipping competion,lockjawed half witted CRACKPOTS,Bring on PROPER racing...




  1. very well put newmarket salsa dont get me wrong borderline its a fair enough comment rather than a question i enjoyed your opinion but personally  i enjoy flat and jumps and i believe if a horse didnt want to jump then it wouldnt i think youve got your answer though above mine think you should give newmarket salsa the points for that.

  2. i hope its real soon for you or world watch out, jeez chill borderli, take a breather, relax a little, hope you feel better after that rant, its nothing to be that upset about.

  3. Let me ask you something - if you were ill with cancer, god forbid, and the only treatment that could save you had been developed through animal experimentation would you turn it down and die?  I doubt it.

    I am firmly against animal testing for cosmetics, etc but when it comes to life saving medical treatments I have to say I think a human life takes priority over an animal life.

    As far as racing goes, yes there are far too many substandard animals being bred, but as I recall when the Chairman of the Irish Thoroughbred Breeders' Association called for poor quality broodmares (ie those that have not produced anything of note within their first 4 or 5 foals) to be culled, there were protests outside the ITBA AGM from the animal rights lobby - you can't have it both ways!

    Racing is not cruel - if you have worked with horses or even just ridden them, you will know that it is next to impossible to get a horse to do something they don't want to do - unless you want to be thrown off, bitten, kicked, etc!

    Racehorses are treated like royalty - they get the best feed, bedding, veterinary treatment, etc.  Having worked on racing studs I can tell you that they are treated a million times better than the staff that look after them!

    Accidents do happen, and it is sad, but there is no need to ban jump racing.  That would be like saying - people die by getting run over by buses, so lets ban buses!

    You fail to understand jump racing my friend - while a large proportion are "failed" flat racing horses an equally large number have been bred to go jumping - why do you think there are so many NH sales these days!  The Irish National Hunt stallions are covering thousands of mares every year (some cover 300+ EACH!) so there is a jumping market for them.

    I am all for everyone having an opinion, but you must not force your opinion on everyone else.

  4. ZEIG HEIL !!

    Do away with animal experimentation. Let's all go back to the good old days- 1930's when everyone (except the Swiss )carried out their experiments on humans, albeit the mentally deficient,Jews,Gypsies,Jehovahs Witnesses etc. (Germany went a bit too far!)

    The Bible and most other faiths have animals as being in subjection to man and Jesus fed the hoards with Loaves and FISH.

    Tis a hard cruel world and in lots of areas it is the survival of the fittest and one day for all who live in their little perfectionist dream world - the chicken will come home to roost!!!

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