
How long will my hangover last?

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I am a female 5'11" and 150 lbs. Last night between about 6 and 10 I had about 4 cans of beer, 3 shots of vodka, and 1 shot of parrot bay. It is 4:30 the next day and I still feel sick. I never threw up at all.




  1. Dunno how long your hangover may last, depends, but ill give you a little tip that i know from my parents.....DON'T EVER mix strong alcohol (vodka etc.) with beer....NOT GOOD you will get a big headache the next day... Try it and see the difference ;)

  2. Try this old remedy get some tomato juice put a dash of hot sauce in it add one raw egg then watch out or go to the local drugstore get some hangover relief medicine

  3. this is probobly the last thing you want to do but you should take a couple sips of beer.. garunteed to help you.. also if you want to avoid this next time then you should drink as much water as alcohol you drink but you have to do it the night your getting drunk cuz the next day it will be too late.. but thats what a hangover is.. dehydration.. and fyi you will usually wake up a few hours after the buzz wears off because not only do drinks have alot of sugar but the alcohol turns into sugar after you digest it .. thats why people say to eat salty things because you have soo much sugar in your system..

    also my cousin says to eat greasy foods like pizza

  4. it could last until you wake up tomarrow :(

  5. eat scrambled eggs and drink PLENTY of water.

  6. you're really a lightweight.  probly tomorrow you'll be good.  

    "beer before liquor, never sicker.   liquor before beer, you're in the clear"

    next time eat:

    - a piece of bread or two

    -OR some tortilla chips

    -OR a tortilla

    just a little somthign to get some alcohol toxin-absorbing breads in you.

    then when you get home before you go to bed,

    -smoke a cigerette or some pot, thats supposed to alleviate hangovers, and its worked for me.  

    -eat a few chips or the stuff mentioned before

    -drink a glass of water

    that little bit of preperation goes a LOOONGG WAY in preventing hangovers.

  7. Everyone deals with alcohol differently. Everyone has different tolerances. If you're not used to drinking, this doesn't surprise me. I can drink one night and feel bad for 2 days sometimes.  

  8. drunk

  9. Everybody is different! there are nights i can drink my but off! and feel fine! no problem after! and there are other nights i can barely drink and have the worse hangover ever! it really just depends on u how much you use to drink and if you ate anything yesterday and how much and when! So you just have to be ready for the next day when you start drinking!

  10. i once had a 3 day hang over.

  11. about 6 hours and then by 12 hours you should almost be your old self except for regrets

  12. Drink a gatorade ;). Trust me.

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