
How many countryes arround the world?

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How many countryes arround the world?




  1. 211

  2. Does depend on what you mean by a country?  Is Scotland a country - they have nation sporting teams?  As do Wales and Northern Ireland?

    Using the UN as a guide is not good as not all nations are members, and some are members, such as Palestine that don't officially have a state as yet but are recognised by most of the world as being a nation (just without a state).

    And then they are nations such as Guam & Porto Rico that are competing in the Olympics,  but are dependnat states of the US.  

    There are 38 of these states over the world, most being under UK or France rule - eg British Virgin Islands, French Polynesia, Anguilla, Bermuda, Guernsey, Jersey, American Samoa, Faroe Islands, Greenland and many more.

    Then they are 9 states that are not universally recognised by the majority of the world, but based on international law fall under defintion of a state.  5 believe themselves to be a nation, but basically no one recognises them - South Ossetia & Abkhazia in Georgia, Somaliland in Somalia, Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan, and Transnistria in Moldova. The other 4 are 1) Western Sahara - recognised by the world but occupied by Morocca, 2) Kosovo - not yet recognised by all nations of the world, 3) Tawian - not in the UN and not offically recogonised by many nations due to the issue with China; 4) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus - only recog'd by Turkey;

    So one could say there are 245 nations in the world.

    BUT There are 195 internationally recognised states, the 192 nations in the UN, plus the Holy See or Vatican, and Tawain, and Kosovo (will in time be fully recognized).

  3. 195 plus or minus

  4. 195

  5. The United Nations has 192 members.  The following countries are not UN members, but are generally acknowledged as independent states:  Andorra, Lichtenstein, Vatican City.  Additionally there are active secessionist movements in the Rio d'Oro region of Mauritania, and in the Transdnepr (which looks like a typo but is correct) region of Moldova, plus as we hear on the news in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.  How many of these you want to count is your choice.

  6. 211 or less or more

    yes 211 country

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