
How many dimensions to our Universe?

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How many dimensions to our Universe?




  1. According to String Theory there are 11 Dimensions..

  2. Quantam string theorists have found 11, but it is the subject of much debate. Theories such as string theory and M-theory predict that physical space in general has in fact 10 and 11 dimensions, respectively. The extra dimensions are spacelike. We perceive only three spatial dimensions, and no physical experiments have confirmed the reality of additional dimensions. A possible explanation that has been suggested is that space is as it were "curled up" in the extra dimensions on a very small, subatomic scale, possibly at the quark/string level of scale or below. Typically we live in a three dimensional world with time being the fourth.

  3. Currently, at least 8. Could be more, but less than 12 according to one theory. We don't know yet.

  4. According to maxwells principle 18

    But only 3 are visible to our naked eyes.

    The others are 'curled up' or in other words 'very tiny'.

  5. I believe its 11 so far, but i think that there might be more.

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