
How many here.........?

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Have been persecuted for the way they live their life? Such as their religion or lack thereof?




  1. See my profile and some of my questions for an explanation of what I went through and am going through.

  2. I haven't.

    There's not as much of that around here as some places.

  3. Alfred bites back. I highly recommend retaliation when persecuted.  

  4. Definitely me. Especially living down here in the bible belt.

  5. Well, my mom is pretty ticked that I don't believe the same way she does, but on the other hand, she never shared how she believed when I was young and impressionable.  I just had to pick my own way through.

    More to the point, I keep my views private from those who I know would persecute me.  I would never, in a million years, tell anyone at work that I am an Atheist and that I think religion is ridiculous.

  6. I was marginalised in school for being agnostic. The ironic thing is, the kids that marginalised me claimed to be christian but had absolutely no morals or self respect. *coughdrunkslutscoughcough*

  7. I have. Often.

  8. Not really. I don't get hate mail and have never been a victim of violence. So few people actually can really claim to have been "persecuted" and really be honest with themselves about it. Meaning some people need to be told that just because I disagree, doesn't mean I am "persecuting" them.  

  9. "Mocking someone for their beliefs, to me, counts as persecution also."

    You do NOT know the meaning of the word 'persecution'.

    You equate my saying your beliefs are childish with Hitler killing Jews for being Jews?

    Grow up.


  10. me.

    religion, mostly.

    (i'm an atheist, people give you lots of c**p for it)

  11. Persecution is what happens when you live among people.  

  12. Me~.

    I'm not religious, but I'm being forced to complete my conformation by my parents.

    I'm agnostic btw, I just don't know what to beleive. Things were drilled into my head since I was little but now I'm so lost.

  13. I have not

  14. I have never been persecuted for my religion per se. However, my church does persecute my lifestyle. I'm a g*y man. Were I to find another man with whom I could fall in love with, we wouldn't be allowed to get married in the church nor participate openly as a g*y couple because homosexuality is considered gravely disordered my the official church teaching.  

  15. With the society we live in...

    I bet everyone has.

    I know I have.

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