
How many of you can relate?

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It’s a one horse town.

(May not even be that.)

We don’t claim a traffic light.

Folks are friendly…can you claim that?

Need a ramp built for a senior…

Ten men are there with their tools.

Ten women with food for distribution.

Two schools, families who cherish their kids.

Three restaurants…one can even seat 15!

Small grocery…with good food.

Quiet nights…little traffic.

Volunteer fire department…

Always on the ready.

Three resale shops…

Really great bargains!

Two gas stations

(at last count).

Neighbors watching out

for neighbors.

Stars studded in our sky at night.

What more could you require?

I wouldn’t have it any other way.




  1. Are you taking in Boarders? Sounds wonderful. A simple, real life. Thanks BL! Bless you and your townfolk!

  2. You mean there are really STILL places like that in reality???

    I thought they only existed in my dreams and memories.

    Thanks, I loved this, especially to know the world is still good and kind...SOMEWHERE!


  3. Wow! Thats great

  4. This is wonderful.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    (In my eyes you are speaking of Neshkoro, WI. Only one gas station, but 2 churches and 3 taverns!)

  5. I raised my girls in towns quite like this.  Many wondered why I never wanted a city church.  I came from Chicago, it's a good place to be from, far from.

  6. Makes me proud to be an American and a Republican.

  7. I'm ready to move from this rat race.  Great, inviting poem of kinder, gentler times.

  8. The poem is stilted and reads like a 1 horse town's main road.

    Your town sounds boring as h**l, too. I'm glad to be a city boy.

  9. A lovely description of your village. My little hamlet does not even have a movie theater, but we have four gas stations!! We are near a well-known beach which attracts thousands of tourists every summer.

  10. yes

  11. It sounds like a heavenly place.There is something to be said about living in a small community.I think you said it all. I envy you.

  12. you're so lucky to be in a place like that. we used to have little towns just like that, within a half hours drive from our city. no more, too many people. i really hate what so many call progress.

  13. I, too, grew up in a very small town.  Couldn't wait to leave at 18.

    couldn't wait to raise my kids in another small town!

  14. if only things were like that,

    i live in the 21st centry answer mine?;...

  15. I use to be able to relate. Twenty years ago Marysville was just a small farm community. Two elementary schools, a middle school, a high school, a Dairy Queen, and four cops. Now we got a Starbucks and heroin. It's sad.

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