
How many rooms do u have?

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Four Rooms in the Heart

In my heart I have four rooms

They told me to stay alive

I need four rooms.

Once I tried to have a look

But the key of my heart's lock

Is gone and lost

I looked

For the key, in my bag

But there is no key but

A pen, and a book.

In a faraway restaurant I met him

I once met him!

For the first time I saw his face

On his eyes, to look and gaze.

He asked me what to drink

"Coffee" and the sugar is none

Gently gave me a book

It is the book he has done.

I had a look

My hand passed quickly the papers

And the words

Were all swords!!

Then I closed the book

That smooth cover

At the end of the book

Was blue as the sea

And his picture was smiling to me

I said:

"Nice design!"

"The jasmine shadow at the bottom

Gives the paper a beautiful smell

And the waves of the sea. . ."

He interrupted me and said: "Ah I see!!"

As if my note was silly and of a kid

And he moved quickly his head

He asked me: "what do you think about the topic?"

"Ah" I said. . . The topic?

"A Hundred Ways to Be Fit."

The title I read

". . . Yes, it is great

Many people need to be fit!!

And they find no ways!!!

To be healthy and fit"

He looked to me . . .

And as if million days

Were lost

I again said, I tried to correct the days:

"it's great, they may become fit

After they read your book

They may be fit"

I had to reopen the book

to say something about "cook"

My eyes at the first page looked!

At its top

In a black ink he wrote:

"I dedicate this copy of my book to you"

I wondered!

In his car there are ten copies

Do they…

Hold the same words and dedication

To his manager, secretary, friends and me?

Who am I between all of those?

His voice,

Waked me up and I

Smiled to him and said:

"Thank you

For inviting me,

For the no-sugar coffee

For the, book!"

My coffee in haste

I drank

And felt the better taste

And left

My perfume smell!

Although his books was not of poetry

Although it was about how to be fit!

I read all of it!!

That night

I looked between the lines

About my name

But all the lines were the same!

No trace to me

Or even to him

One of the lines says

"It is healthy to be fit!!!"

But I am fit

Why did he me give the book!

To look

At his picture smiling!

To whom is it smiling?

Why I his book took?

In one of the pages he said:

"To stay alive, you need to be fit"

Other page


"God created four rooms in our hearts!"

I could complete to the end,

"to stay alive,

You need to be fit"

"Coffee is bad for your heart.."

He invited me to a cup of coffee,

Sure he meant a cup of juice!

It is me who asked for coffee

A no-sugar-cup of coffee!

I remembered he had coffee too

Even he knows coffee is bad

For his heart it is bad.

I met him

Even I know it is bad,

Meeting him is bad

For my heart it is bad

Since I drank coffee

Since his cigarettes' smoke I smelled

And him I saw

Which are all bad

To my heart,

Seeing him,

As coffee to him

Is so bad!

I found the key now

I can have a look

I can check. .

The four rooms in my heart

Yes they are all there.




  1. Your epic poems are beginning to grow on me !! And I now read them right to the end !! Odd grammar and spelling jars at first, but I rather like them !!

    Perhaps a shorter, more condensed poem would be worth a try, as you've obviously got something.

    But who am I to comment !?

  2. Nice poem your a great writer... read the poem 3 times and got different meanings each time but i do understand the overall meaning i like the stay alive you need to be fit part and saying cigarettes smoke was bad.....i think i need to read it again....

    if its not to much to ask i just started writing poems could you check out mine;...

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