
How many stars in the sky????????

by  |  earlier

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  1. 10^1000000 billion stars

  2. there are BILLIIOONNNSSSS of stars in the sky. but not all of them are visible from earth because they're too far away.

  3. wait i am counting now........i will say you in 2099 so ask this question again and that time i will say you.............tell me best of luck !!!!!!!

  4. simple its equal to numbers of ants on this earth .(joking)

    it is impossible for human beings to calculate all star because like human beings they are also get created and destroyed. beside galaxy is so big that it will never be possible to answer your question.

  5. good Question, when u get its answer pls. tell to me also.

  6. you must be crazy....though you can say it a ver billions of millions,they represent infinite set(cannot count)....

    this is only up to my knowledge...

  7. Funny question. Well i know the correct answer.

    You want to know?Here it is-

    First-Count your hairs>

    Then-Join 11.5 with the answer.

    You will get exactly the number.

    Can't believe?


    Frist-your HAIRS.


  8. day before yesterday it was 14568777888, yesterday it was  14568777438 (450 stars absent due to bad climate)...

    today i wil count and tell to u tomorrow.. u also count

  9. u kno dondey...ofcourse yes...

    no. of stars in sky=no. of hair dockey hav on der body  ;-)

    happy chill

  10. There are no stars in the sky, because stars are TOOOOOO big to be in our atmosphere.

  11. ist one you plz tell me can u count ur hair on head ?.................


    Then, why u r asking so stupid like question.

  12. ya got good sense of humour dude ;)...i'd rather ask how many particles of sand on our planet, guess why?? ans is simple coz we live on earth ;)

  13. no one has been able to count them till date

  14. 4372 a old friend of mine once counted in a clear sky

  15. we can see about 4000 stars in the sky by naked can see about 10000 stars by a telescope. but you cannot see all the stars. i think there will 1000000000000000000000000000000............ ..... .... .. .. . . .  


    Depends on Ones EyeSight many....  can he/she see.....

  17. 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000...

  18. How many do u think they are?I think(UNCOUNTABLE)

  19. Good Question;)

  20. Hi Friend here is one answer ..Check it... There are some crores of Stars:  we all know this right.. See a brief story below:

    1.  In olden days Our Earth was considered as Universe.

    2.  After some years We considered Sun as our Universe.

    3.  A decade back it was an idea that Sun is just one among a Star.. that means Sun is also a Star please.. But did You know !!  a group of Stars is called as a GALAXY. In a Galaxy there may be some crores of Stars( say some 10,000 Crore stars).. like this our Universe Contains Cluster of Galaxies. Now U imagine How many Crores of Stars are there... There are galaxies about 1000 crores or more than that.. [1000*10^7*10^4*10^7 Stars on an assumption].

    As I said Sun is also a Star..that means Sun stays inside a Galaxy please .  The Sun as a Star in a Galaxy is known as MILKY WAY.

    4. Today Scientists are saying that our Universe is not One..Many are there...Is it not Peculiar ..!!! Mind blowing right..!! So till now nobody has the exact count of stars please..Scientists made an estimation.. But they are promissing us that they will show the near number.... wait till that day.... Bye Friend

  21. Hmm...say infinite..!!


  23. Under ideal conditions, an observer in the northern hemisphere can observe nearly 8000 stars with the naked eye. A few of these stars are very bright and are easy to see even through the glow of city lights. But most stars are faint and can only be seen under dark sky conditions away from city lights and with no moon in the sky. Thus, the number of stars that can be seen depends upon how faint one can see from a specific observing location.

    It is impossible to count every star in the night sky. - NASA

  24. nearly nearly 8000 stars  

  25. An estimated 7×10²² stars in the observable universe.

  26. if want answer in humourous way......then it is .....same as the no. of hairs on ur head.........

    but logical answer is...approximately.. any galaxy consists of 10^11 stars....there r bout 10^11 galaxies.....

    then u may think of no. of stars in universe........

  27. There are about 4,000 stars visible with the naked eye on a clear dark night. Enlist the aid of a small telescope, and the number becomes about a million. With a large telescope, they number in the billions of billions.

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