
How much is this car worth??

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how much do you realisticly think this car is? [in dollars $]




  1. The Ferrari Enzo's list price when it was shiny new in 2003 was 650,000 dollars. But after tons of orders and demand went up the price did as well. It Ballooned up to around the 1,000,000 dollar point. These days, you can't even touch an enzo without winning the lottery first. Enzo owners are most likely unwilling to sell their prized and precious million dollar Ferrari. A willing owner would sell the car anywhere from 1,300,000 to 1,800,000 USD

  2. probably about 250,00 dollars depends on which one it is

  3. That is a Ferrari Enzo, they are literally like 900,000 dollars, i watched a show that said it costs 700 dollars just to change that cars oil because the filters are different than any other vehicle, besides if you can afford to spend 900,000 on a car, then you can afford a 700 dollar oil change

  4. 1.500 million from what it looks like the really rich celebrity'sould pay that much if they wanted to drive on there own and not in a limo

  5. To me its worthless. I wouldnt be able to drive it in the snow or rain and theres nowhere to put my tool box........

  6. It is the Ferrari Enzo. It was built between 2003 and 2004. Only 400 were made.

    Original price was $643,330, but they currently sell at auction for over $1,000,000.

    Good Luck

  7. Enzo is above $1,000,000. new.

  8. Ask Freddy Griffin, he crashed one on.

    About a cool million.

  9. probably about 40 bucks, thats all i will pay for one of those.....

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