
How much money are online classes?

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over the summer i'm getting into modeling. for my 8th grader year i want to take online classes. i cant focus at my huge public school now. everyone is all fake. i'm sick of it. I do want an education though. My mom makes no money. My dad has a job but I would help him out. I don't know exactly how all this works. I was going to go to this private church school with my friend but the whole waiting list & to sign up is over? But I could've went. But I heard I can talk to the school about it, or something. Please Help! I do want an education, but I cant anymore at the school I'm going too.




  1. if you go through your states free school is FREE!

  2. Depending on where you live you should be able to find a reputable school online.

    I live in CA and they have a charter school that is online that I saw advertised.

    Go through your school district they should have a home study program.

    Good luck!!

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