
How much of a beating would???????

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safg give to hand tied behind his back wid be a fairer fight.safg 1 pumpy 0

who wid pay to watch????charity boxing match sounds guid




  1. the two of them would hit each other with their handbags!

    pumpy has bricks in his though in case a wee ned trys tae steel it.... so maybe him

  2. Looks like pumpahun's just pis hed himself so my moneys on the Jagman...  

  3. what a laugh eh

    you've got wan whose booted mare baws than Gavin Hasting

         in the Blue corner

       Sir a complete header Pumpalot

        or is at the Brown corner

    and in the pink corner

    or is that green

    SA weres my george with his careless wispa FG

    HERES round 1

    both fighters are toe to toe and hand to hand(they're fucin dancing)

    all the pre-fight hype about wanting to beat each other about the ring is'nt living up to sirs predictions

      looking forward to round 2

    SAFG throws a 4 combo at SPs head ,but no affect (all the years supporting the gers has taken it's effect) SP comes back with a salvo of his own 3rights to the body and a swift kick to the gonads and my that was an upset

      (rolling aboot laffin here mate)

    i could do the full 11,but them 2 are fucin hilarious  

  4. copper no problem, the pump talks a goog fight and you all know what that means

    hey pump when Celtic win on sunday and that bambeano is born on the same day can wee assume it will be called TIM alot  

  5. sir pump would bate the keek owt af im

  6. please dont tie my hands Chas, id love the satisfaction of smacking the bampot

    id pay to do it.

    moan the Jags tonight folks,  

  7. About this time last year,i had all sorts on here wanting to fight with me,so i told them all where i drank,where i worked and where i lived,i wasn't hard to find,did anyone show up?,NO, so i suggest the two of them arrange a metting in Glasgow,advertise it on here,and go for to who would win...i will say sir poopshimself a lot,why well you just have to look at how many accounts he has,he is a least 8 people..just look at fudgees answer,he opens his answer like the question was directed at him...If only one of poopybums avatars showed up,then the Air man would kill him with both his hands and his feet tied behind his back..easy.

  8. air force warmers actually a wee ned fae falkirk

  9. Av shoved harder oot the way to get tae fight, in fact a wud kick your baws efter av stabbed f**k oot air force bummer

  10. i think scotsair's risen above it, and mainly for that, plus he does have a hard job then he would win, either that or he wouldnt lower himself to that idiots level

  11. Now, with SAFG having served in the forces, that might set a precedent of one sidedness. But if it is all for charity, well:


  12. never underestimate the bluenoses...pumpalot may suprise i'm impartial i hate your talking..btw pumpalot are you a dad yet mate?

  13. i think sir pumpalot would give a good fight - thats one i would like to watch no that i would like anyone in particular to win i just like to see 2 guys go at it

  14. same kind of a beating that kaunas gave rangers  

  15. Id even buy one of those dodgy darcheville shirts for charity to see that.

    Be over pretty quickly I reckon.

  16. as a trained killer SAFC would do it with both hands tied back... pumpalot just talks a good fight

  17. The Copper to kill the Pumpy Poof ...................EASY!!!! mOn tHE JaGs!!!!!

  18. ach my money is on safg think it would be a walkover

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