
How much weight did you gain?

by Guest59862  |  earlier

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I just had my first prenatal visit with the doctor yesterday. I'm at about 2 1/2 months and I've gained ten pounds to this point. He suggested that I not gain anymore than 20 pounds from here on out. Any suggestions on how to do this, or how many calories I should have a day?




  1. Well for starters, you can start walking and exercising as long as you get the ok from your doctor. Start eating more veggies and fruits, try to cut out unhealthy stuff (which is hard, I know, I am the same way) Just walk around the block of your house or building to get started..  

  2. Eat healthy and keep track of how much weight you are gaining. You might also try a light exercise regimen. By that I mean simple things like walking for a certain amount of time a day... Just keep an eye on things. If you end up gaining more than 20 more lbs, its just more weight you'll want to lose afterwards.  

  3. eat only 300 calories per day extra in addition to your regular diet, instead of two chicken sandwiches that's a chicken sandwich and a lot of extra salad! Good luck!

  4. He's wrong. Most women gain more than 20lbs during pregnancy. That's weird.

    I'm 3 months and I've barely gained anything. However i have pretty rough morning sickness, so the only calories that don't come back up are my dinner. lol

    That's weird though

  5. With my first pregnancy I gained 62 lbs. I lost 42 of that in like 2 months, not even trying. With this pregnancy I am 37weeks and have gained 32 lbs. Everyone is different. Good Luck!

  6. 11 pounds during the entire pregnancy ( because i threw up non stop from the time i was 2 months pregnant until the day i had my son at 35 weeks)

  7. Well it depends on your body type and what your diet is now. I would just try to follow the pregnancy guide lines your doctor has given you. Dont deny yourself food though.  

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