
How often do dentists pull teeth?

by  |  earlier

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I NEED to see a dentist about one of my teeth (or at least I think it's just one) which is causing pain to the whole right side of my face.

I haven't been to a dentist in 10 years (I was nine the last time I went, actually for the same area, it was a baby tooth back then) and I'm afraid that when I go to he'll say to me "Well, Deeg, I wish you could have come to us sooner because now we need to give you dentures. You should have flossed more."

How often do dentists pull teeth anymore? What are the odds that he'll want to pull mine? I think it's either a cavity or a fracture. I'm only nineteen, I need these suckers.

And please be candid...




  1. Usually, dentists will try to save teeth whenever they can. Exceptions are when the tooth is cracked in half or it is so decayed that nothing can be built on top of it. I had a molar pulled after repeated attempts to restore it failed. The last restoration before it was pulled involved having a crown held on to a composite mix with little screws and two huge pins going all the way down the root shafts. Over time, it worked its way loose until I could reach in and pull everything off, including the pins. By then, what was left of the tooth was completely below the gumline and I had to have a surgical extraction that took about a half hour to complete.

  2. well i just recently had two teeth pulled and im 18 but that was for my braces to make more room in my mouth. I dont think that they will pull you teeth unless they are sure they need to go, but im sure tehy will try and save them in every way possible!! Also hun please for your teeth sake get over the fear of the dentist its not that bad really i go atleast once a month and its not that bad. I have beautiful teeth with no pain :D

  3. Dentist's will work with what is there....they don't have time to worry about 'you should have, or would have or could have'.....

    If you need a tooth pulled, they will do it, if it can be saved and filled they will reccomend that...l

    You just need t o get into the dentist office and get started with the discussion...find out your situation and options...

    Really, you will be surprised it usually is not as bad as you think it is....

  4. Dentists only pull teeth if the tooth is absolutly dead. which...obviously yours isn't. bc it hurts haha. sorry... funny joke.. hmm OR it's for cosmetic reasons like braces and crowding of the teeth.

    if it's a cavity, it's a easy filler. Fracture, not so easy but doesn't mean it'll be removed. Chances of it being removed are really slim unless it's REALLY REALLY MESSED UP. (The tooth in general)

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