
How often do you curse?

by  |  earlier

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I curse every F-ing day, i see nothing wrong with it. It annoys me when some say,,,oh i never curse, they sound phony




  1. I don't swear too much, mainly only to make a point. Swearing automatically puts more emotion into what you say :p

  2. Only people who are insecure or uneducated need resort to cursing.  They think it adds to their vocabulary.  On the contrary, it makes them appear dull and boorish.  People tend to stay away from such folks.

    I try to never curse.

  3. In my mind or verbally? lol.

    Quite often.

  4. never :) ive never sworn in my life

  5. On and off. But I try to control myself. How about you?  :)

  6. When it's necessary. When I'm mad, and just need to get it out of my system, I cuss. But no need when everyone's happy, right?

  7. not as often as i used too.  it sounds bad.  I only swear when in a great deal of pain  and when drinking.

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