
How often do you run

by  |  earlier

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And do you think it's better to run every other day or 5-6 times a week?




  1. I run 6 days a week taking sundays off.  I also do an easy run the day after a hard work out or very long run.

  2. 6 days a week

  3. I try to run every day except Sunday, but my mileage is low and builds up as the year goes on.

  4. I run every day, usually 3-7 miles, but now I'm increasing that amount.

  5. I run every other day. I ride my bike on steep hills and far distances on the other days. I personally think it's really good because you alternate muscle groups, and get a more complete total fitness.  

  6. 6 days a week.

  7. I run at least 3 days a week, mostly 4. I like it because my runs start getting pretty high mileage later on in the year. The extra days off give my body time to recoup and rest.
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