
How often should I upgrade computers?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have the money right now but my computer is about 3 years old. It is pretty good but I think I should upgrade because this one doesn't play games as well.




  1. If you are experienced with computer hardware you can keep your computer and upgrade the parts that are getting old, if you are inexperienced buy a new computer.

    Since your computer doesn't play games depending on your specs you might only have to upgrade the video card. not that hard a good and not expensive video card is XFX PVT88PYDD4 GeForce 8800GT x*x

    A guide to installing the video card is

  2. every couple years i guess mabe 3 years so yea u should go ahead upgrade  

  3. It's time to upgrade your PC when it becomes obsolite for your specific needs.

    And whether newer componants will be compatable with your mainboard,i.e pcie slot for video,ddr2 dual channel etc.

    Then conscider cost to upgrade vs new.


  4. you don't HAVE to get a new computer. You can upgrade a few parts and you will be all set. Upgrade your ram , and run some system cleanups and defrags should work better.

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