
How people get deleted on myspace?

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ok, so on myspace I have like 4000 friends and I really don't wanna get deleted. I don't do anything wrong at all so I would think I'm ok but don't you automatically get deleted if you get 100 blocks? Wouldn't someone with like a million friends like tips tequila have been blocked at least100 times by now and gotten deleted? how do I not get deleted even if 100 people with no lives block me? Ahah thanks :D




  1. you can't get deleted for that.

  2. if you do happen to get 100 blocks, they will review your myspace and see if there is any spamming, if not then they will not delete you.

  3. you dont get deleted for being blocked 100 times - that's something little kids made up in bulletins to create online drama

    how do people get deleted? well, read the terms of service:

    using friend adder programs/w***e trains to get 4000 friends can get you deleted, and so can removing the top myspace advertising, the shortcuts dropdown, the bottom links, but the most common mistake kids today dont realize is that if they are under 18 and dont have their myspace age set to their real age, myspace will delete them for that too

    and since most people who use w***e trains/friend adders are either little kids, or someone trying to promote something/sell something, they constantly get deleted

    i'm sure you see the posts like "omg! i got hacked at 5k! add me!"

    those people didnt get "hacked" - they just broke the rules at myspace without even reading what the rules are....

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