
How r u with your family?

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Are you close to your parents/siblings? I am not and i feel really bad about it..and feel very lonely and insecure... how abt u?




  1. Mother - she played no role in raising me, though she was around. She only cared about money and herself. She would rather buy pretty diamonds for her fingers than buy me anything essential I ever needed. She left to marry a man I despised who ruined my life for 8 years. She now lives 13 hours away and I haven't spoken to her in over two months.

    Father - one of those deadbeat dad, who never calls or comes around. Though I mostly blame that on bad connections with my mom. I never had much to do with him, but after he had his heart attack I've tried to get in contact with him.

    Sister #1 (older) has 7 children (six and is pregnant again) she lives in another state, and while I don't approve of her recreational drug usage I still try and make sure she's doing alright, and help provide for the kids when I can. Though there is a good chance I might be getting custody of her daughter (one that is going to be born).

    Sister#2 (older) - also a drug user, thankfully a habit i never inherited. Has three children whom I love, but an abusive boyfriend I hate. I check up on her as much as I can to make sure she is doing ok.

    Grandparents - I help them out now, as they did me when I was growing up (they raised my instead of my parents) we are pretty close even though we sometimes fuss about how they are so black and white and backwards, but I realize its how they grew up and how they were raised. They have a lot of respect and common sense, one of the many things their generation got right and our generation has seemed to have lost

    I have come to terms that I am the blacksheep of my family, I'm the out going one, I am the free thinker, and I'm not barefoot and pregnant. Though while many of my family respect me for it, I don't fit in. I came to terms with it a long time ago (I'm 18) so I don't feel bad anymore. Even if we aren't a  tight knit family doesn't mean we don't love each other. Unconditional love goes a very long way.


  2. i had a major falling out with my family about 12 years ago and we did not see or speak to each other for ten of those years.

    but tomorrow i start my vacation and im going up to the napa valley to spen a few days with my mother and sister. my mission is to talk it all out and somehow give and recieve the forgiveness that i have wanted for a long time

  3. I don't know why and how you can feel insecure with parents/family :O

    i feel more comfortable when  i am with my family and more secure.

    you just imagine if you are sitting  with friends and having fun and  suddenly you felt bad and you died .... what will be ?

    your friends will b confuse and scared so  at once they will inform your family to take your dead body. or they can call to doctor and then your family to care you.

    so i think because of this family is always more close and caring then friends.

  4. Im really close with my mom and her side of the also very close with my dads side of the family but just not him i cant stand my father as mean as it sounds...hes broken my heart a whole lot..but I have such a great group of family and friends they helped me heal......I think you should really work the relationship with your family its good to know yout family id there for you.

  5. I'm pretty close with my family.

    Maybe you should get together with yours so you wont feel so alone

    good luck [x

  6. I can relate to your sadness.  I have lost many family members since I am now 62.  Unconditional love cannot be replaced and it is very hard to face life without it.  I don't know your circumstances but maybe you should start with self love and while working on that you can either correct your problem or deal with it in a manner that will comfort you.  Sometimes understanding can help lonliness and insecurity.  I hope that you can find someone that you can talk to about this and that things can become better.

  7. awwww. thats okay:) you'll eventually love them,

  8. We are all very close.

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