
How reliable is Vonage?

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Would you recommend it?




  1. As with most VoIP services, it is mostly dependent on your equipment and Internet reliability.  If it works, you are in VoIP heaven... if it doesn't, you will have to deal with customer service h**l....

  2. Had it for 9 months already and have no complains. The sound quality is excellent.

  3. you gonna love it or hate it!! nothing in between....!

    I have it for over 3 years and!  but then you have ppl who are just so used to getting everything spoon-fed...they are the once complaining all the time...! ( the same kind of ppl who can't even tie a shoe-lace...!)

    so, just give it a try....I have very good high-speed ISP.....very important....

  4. My internet is high speed, and Vonage which I've had for 2 weeks works excellent with it. Had no problems.

  5. NOOO! I heard it's the WORST service to EVER get, everyone I knew that got it switched in less than the pay period. They said either the calls were staticy or it sounded like they were talking through a pillow and one person I knew was charged LONG DISTANCE for LOCAL calls!! so skip it, go ATT or SBC whatever it's called, they have good customer service and reasonable prices, and a high speed special. ;) hope I helped

  6. Vonage is as good as your internet. If you have good internet like high speed DSL or Cable modem it works well. I dont like Verizon so I use vonage at my house and it works well. Then again I have Cable Modem.

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