
How ridiculous is it that........... ?

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How ridiculous is it that so many of the Obama Supporters who glorified Obama as a Messiah because of his " great " speaking skills are now denouncing Palin because of her " great " speaking skills ?

How ironic is it that so many Obama Supporters are now complaining : " I love it when Obama gives a good speech but I really hate it when Palin gives a great speech " ?

If Palin did not give a great speech as some Obama Supporters want to claim..., then why do so many Obama Supporters have their panties in a bunch today ?




  1. It is odd to me the double standard that is applied, but hey, that's life.

    Both Obama and Palin are good orators.

    Both McCain and Biden are old school political insiders.

    Obama's, McCain's, and Biden's experience all come from the legislative side, where Palin's is from the executive.

    So, why is it so hard to admit that? Even someone you disagree with can be talented, intelligent, and an excellent orator. Obama did a great job giving his speech, I have no problem saying that. I disagreed with a lot of the content of that speech, but he was still articulate and made a great presentation.

    Palin gave a good speech. She was strong, humorous, and articulate. Why is that so hard for democrats to say? Have we gotten that far away from plain old fashioned manners?

  2. Here is the difference.  Obama did give a great speech.  It was moving and so inspriational.  Palin on the other hand was sarcastic and demeaning through more than half of her speech.  It is as if she thought it was funny to be introduced to American's as a cut throat person who is tough.  I dont want someone with an attitude problem like that one in such a high office in my government.  

  3. I heard Obama speak to the press today.  He couldn't remember names and kept stammering with a bunch of  Ummmmm's and Uhhhhs.   Way to go, Barack!  Can't wait for the debates!

  4. Democrats defend the indefensible, and promote a balloon,

    for president  

  5. Palin possess some of Obama's strengths:  she's new, and she's appealing, and she's a capable speaker.  She also possess one of Obama's weaknesses; lack of experience.

    It is refreshing though to see the left suddenly look upon these attributes and be concerned about them when Republicans have been for months.

  6. They don't.  Elect sarah and mcbush and get MORE government in you life! No more freedom of choice! Ban library books! Kill the polar bear! Support hypocrisy! Vote mcbush-palin in '08!!!

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