
How scary is shutter?

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My friends and i (2 girls 3 boys) are getting together for a little reunion type thing before summer ends. My friend wants to see a scary movie but i really dont like them. she convinced me to choose one and asked about shutter. how scary is it?





  1. terrifying beyond believed. lol. just kidding.

    it's pretty scary the first time you watch it cuz you dont know what to expect, but it's not as scary as the grudge. soo ya.

  2. It is not as scary as the original Japan version

  3. In a scale of 1 to 10 for scary-ness I'd give it a 7.

    (BTW If you don't like them, why are you watching one?)

  4. The original was far creepier I must say, but if you hadn't seen the orignal movie then the remake should do the trick. If you are not into this type of movie you may just be bored though. It has its creepy moments and there are some good scares here and there.
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