
How should I apply..

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I'm 13 (very close to 14) and I wear eyeliner, mascara, tinted moisturizer, and a nude lipstick. I wear my eyeliner thicker than most people.. But not like that weird "scene" craze eyeliner. Whenever I try to wear it not as thick it looks so weird to me. How should I apply it to make it not look weird but not super thick? - I have dark brown hair, fair to medium skin, and dark blue eyes.




  1. the best way to make it not too thick but not too thin is the make is thicker near the end of the eyee and as u come closer in ( towards ur eye) by about the middle it should be thin.. so basically its thicker on the outsides and thinner on the insides making more focus on your eyes and less on the thiness or thickness of your eyeliner..

    also try different shades of eyeliner a nice purple or green would make your eyes pop even more than before!

    hope this helps

  2. I think you wear too much makeup for a 13 (going on 14) year old.

    But I think you still look pretty.

  3. your eyeliner is really pretty!

    what eyeliner do you use?

    haha well i think you already look really pretty with the make-up u have on.

    once, I LOVE UR EYELINER<3  

  4. you look like your twenty in that picture!


    u cant be thirteen (very close to 14)

    haha well I'm eleven and i wear eyeliner sometimes-its visible, but not thick.

    take a smudgy black eyeliner and make a thin but dark line RIGHT under your eyelash line [bottom of eyes] same with the top. then put on black black black mascara. on the bottom and top.

  5. you're thirteen?

    geez, you could pass for

    like seventeen i think.

    maybe try doing a little cat

    flick / wing your eyeliner out

    to the sides, or only go halfway

    around your eyes?


  6. your like reallly pretty!

    and i think yuor eyeliner looks really good

    but maybe try putting it darker on the outer eye and lighter on the inner if that makes sense

  7. OMG! You are seriously only 13? You look like 18!

  8. Wow, you do not look 13-14. For me it looks fine, no too much but not super dolled up either. You look gorgeous.
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