
How should I dress for Seattle?

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I am from Arizona and am going to be going to Seattle this winter hopefully sometime between Sept. and April. I'll be visiting the University of Washington in Seattle because that is where I am most likely going to be studying for my B.A.

can anyone give me any tips on how to survive up there and what i should invest in clothes-wise. winters here in Glendale are the lowest at maybe high 40s and it doesn't snow in my part, so i'm kind of scared since i'm used to 110 degree weather.

any shops or websites would be helpful or information in general would be greatly appreciated. everyone keeps telling me i'm crazy for wanting to go there, but i'm determined.

please help! i have no clue whatsoever. and i'll most likely be up there year round.





  1. It all depends on the season... I wouldn't invest in a heavy winter jacket if you're going in September, but I would get a light raincoat and perhaps a couple of long sleeve shirts to layer if you get cold easily.

    *remember that layers are easier, because you can add if you're cold and minus if you get hot!

    If you're going in the dead of winter, anything can happen. Unseasonable warm days to rain to snow.

    ~~~I would recommend going in the early fall or late spring, so you don't have to invest in much clothing until you are certain that you'll be going to school there.

  2. this is TAN i am learning high school BA DINH

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