
How should I handle?

by  |  earlier

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My neighbor put a underground fence for his dog about 6 feet over the property line on my land. What I should I do? I told him nicely he would have to move but he got very upset. Was I wrong to ask him to move it??? Thanks




  1. no you were not wrong at all you did the right thing

  2. No, it's not wrong.  That's your property.  I would show him proof the the property lines.  That way, he can't argue with you.  Let him know you'd like it moved.  Give him a few weeks.  If he doesn't do it, get a lawyer involved or maybe call the town.

  3. No, you are right.

    Tell him that he needs to move it and make sure to repair any damage, or you will remove and then ask to recoup any costs you incur removing the fence from your property.  

    If he still refuses, then send him a registered letter with the legal property map and a deadline to move the fence and that you expect your property to be returned to it's formal state (ie no dead grass, etc.).  You can even outline how much it will cost to have it removed (because I'm sure you'll hire someone to do it.... :) ).  

    I believe you can then just legally remove it from your property and sue him for any costs you incur due to it and you aren't responsible for damage to his electric fence.  Just make sure to dot your i's and cross your t's, but of course you must check the laws in your state/county/city.  (In my area you can't take them to court to force them to remove it, but you can take them to small claims to recover the costs of YOU removing it, since it is on YOUR property.)

    And it may not seem like a big deal now, but it will be a HUGE deal if you ever go to sell your house.

  4. Take them to court. It is best to let them handle this since they are already angry over it.

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  6. If its your property you have every right toa sk him to move it.  Tehre is no reason his dog should be on your lawn.  

    Ask again to move it.  And if you want legal advice try

  7. If he did it himself, then he needs to move it himself. If he had a company install it, they didn't survey the land correctly and need to move it. He needs to call them, or you can contact their office and file a complaint.
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