
How should I spend $68?

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I have $68 thats seeming to burn a whole in my pants. How should I go out and spend it.. Saving is not an option




  1. Make saving an option! Put that fifty in an IRA and have fun with the rest.....hahaha...I know its only 18 bucks but you sound young. If you do save it, when you retire that fifty buck could be worth 100,000 bucks!

  2. if you're asking a question like this, i really think that getting if off your hands would be best done by putting it in the bank and let it gather some interest!! If your rich (which you obviously seem to be) go buy a new gadget or something....I usually spend money on food, so i'd order some pizza and get some of the nicest desserts and side orders and ice cream and sodas and .....if there's left over from the money and i really wanted to get rid of it...i'd give it to the delivery guy as a tip! :P

  3. It's Saturday, go out for a nice dinner.  

    Or party tonight.  

    You could aslo give it to me.  I'll send you a surprise gift!  

    You could go to the and they'll send you something.

    I'd rather you gave it to me.

    You could shop for stuff online.

    Or jump on a greyhound bus and see how far you can get with 68 bucks.  

    Or 34 bucks if you want to go back home.

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