
How should a new puppy sleep?

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i'm getting a new puppy (mini english bulldog) and i was wondering for the first couple of weeks how should i have my puppy sleep? like in a crate or on a dog bed? please answer, thanks!




  1. My puppy sleeps in a crate in my room.  I have a nice doggie bed and blanket in there for him and I cover the crate with a towel except the front so he can see out.  He's been sleeping like that since we got him last Nov when he was 9 weeks old and he'll be a year in Sept.  I'm keeping him in there indefinitely at nite so it keeps him out of trouble and in case of a fire, I know exactly where he is.  

  2. there is NO such thing as a mini bully, they are a big breed, and will get a lot bigger from the puppy you buy!! they are probably just charging you extra.

    right away you should make them sleep wherever you want them to sleep always. If you are going to crate train, then do that... if now, buy a bed, and start training.

    i don't suggest putting them in your bed with you, we made that mistake, and our dog, has to be under the covers, between someone's legs, l*****g their feet... so many nights with not so well sleep.

    But good luck and I would think twice about your so called "mini english bulldog"

  3. First, congrats on your new bulldog mix (there is no such thing as a mini bulldog breed) I will bet he is a sweetie!!

    If you plan on using crate training (I highly recommend this) then start him out right. He can have a doggie bed in his crate to sleep on. Just make sure that the crate is NEVER used for punishment.

    My 2 have earned the right to sleep where ever they want (5 and 3 year olds) but they still LOVE their crates. Doors are left open all of the time now.

  4. We got a 12 week old Collie Pup 3 weeks ago and we crated her the first night...she yowled for a few minutes, we reassured her, and she has slept comfortably in the crate at night ever since.  We let her have free run of the living room and kitchen during the day and she sleeps in front of the couch.

    I was shocked at how much a puppy sleeps...I thought only cats slept all the time!  But, in my Dog Bible, it says that dogs sleep 50% of the day, rest 30% and are only active 20%!

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