
How should i learn guitar?

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what would be the best way for me to learn the guitar? I know nothing about it so i would really like to learn.




  1. just pick it up and start experimenting. the sky's the limit.

  2. If you've not played any music before, then going to a tutor is probably the best and most effecient way.

  3. has a computer program, so I've heard.

  4. Just start learning some basic chords, you can get a million of them offline then after you've got a few of them down you could start taking lessons. You'd be really surprised at how many of your favorite songs are played with really simple chords. Go online to look of the chords to some of your favorites and then try to play those. That's a really good way to stay interested. :)

  5. have courses or have daily training

  6. Try going to a local music store and if you don't want to pay for lessons ask them for a really easy-to-understand guitar book. Be specific with what kind of style of guitar you want to learn because there are tons of styles.  You can also try online guitar sites like the link I have below.

  7. some people can get the beginner books and teach themselves, but it's always good to get a teacher, so you have the right technique and everything.

  8. You know a lot of people ask about learning on their own, but if you ask me, people who learn on their own, don't come on here and ask how.  They just do it because they're intensely committed to it.  So my answer is always the same...

    Get personal instruction.  

    Either a community college course, or private instruction will give you much faster progress, then twiddling around on your own.  More importantly, they will tell you what you are doing wrong.  If after a while you feel you have the tools to keep progressing, and no longer want the expense of an instructor, then fine, go at it alone.

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