My name is Pawan S Hegde.
Can any one help me to design a signature for me?
My earlier signature was a 's' and 'H' on the top of 'P' followed by a cursive 'egde' for "PsHegde"
But I thought that it looked very much a mess, so I changed it for a clear and complete cursive "Pawan Hegde".
But, the problem now is that people tell me that my signature is very long and too clear. It just looks like me writing my name down in cursive and I agree with them.
I wish that you suggest me some signatures, such that they are not too long, and very much 'signaturish'
I am still a minor and I have no problem in changing my sign for now, but I think that this will be my last sign and I will have to use it from now on. So please suggest,
Please :(