
How to Convince my parents..?

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that i can have a tv in my room ...... im 14 & i dnt hav a tv in my room but my 2 little sisters (3yrs & 2 yrs ) old have a tv in there room .... how is that possible ???? everyday i ask them & they say no so0 how shud i convince them ?




  1. If you watch a lot of TV, they are probably refusing you a TV since you might go overboard and just watch TV all night and start sleeping in school.

    A good way to show responsibility is to maybe have your parents give you a weekly allowance. Do chores like cleaning the kitchen, laundry, mowing the lawn, etc. You can ask for 15 dollars a week, since a good TV doesnt really cost that much.

    Hope that helps ;)

  2. just  tell them

  3. Thats freaking unfair show them you can bring in the good grades and ask them then, when they are in a good mood.

  4. why do you need that?

    Grow up, buy your own place and do what you like. U are living under their roof and you pay for nothing so get real!

  5. Fistly make sure that you don't shout, or get angry at them because  that'll work against you, secondly try leaving it for a week or so before you ask them, put your point calmly and politly across and maybe even see if   you can work out some sort of deal.. like if you get a good grade... or if you  help with teh housework for a month or something.... Otherwiseee... i reckon just wait till christmas and BEG!!!

    :)  GOOD LUCK!!!

    x x x

  6. how about reaching a compromise like paying halfway for a tv, or they double whatever you can make in a time limit, or you could just ask them why a 2yr old and a 3yr old need a tv when they spend half of their time playing with their toys, don't let up just keep attacking with valid reasons

  7. you must have the parents that worry about what you see on tv. Since your a teenager their worried about what you see and that it might influence you. You have to influence them otherwise. Have it where they can put a tv in your room and they can choose which channels they want to block. This way it shows you can be mature about what you can and cannot watch. Good luck

  8. First, your two little sisters more than likely have a tv in their room to put them to sleep at night and during naps. Many parents do that. Second, stop asking them every day and instead maybe start proving yourself around the house. Start doing chores like cleaning your room, emptying the dishwasher or clearing the table without being asked. Show them you're mature and hardworking and they'll probably take you more seriously when you ask again a few weeks later.

  9. The next holiday that should be all you ask for and maybe they will feel guilty and get it for ya.

  10. It won't hurt to ask. I had one. I got a tv for Christmas when I was 13.

  11. i haven't got my sats results back yet but if they are good i am going to ask my mum and dad if i can have a tv in my room so if you have done good in a test ask them  

  12. Do you have an allowance?  Is it a question of them allowing you to or a question of them buying you one?  If they alow you to have one, but won't buy it, then save up and get one.  You can get a little TV from wal-mart cheap.  If they will not allow you to have one, then tell them if you have one, it will keep you home and out of trouble.

  13. that´s sooo unfair!

    tell them that you´ll only watch after you´ve done your homework and that 2 and 3 year olds don´t NEED a tv in their room.

    maybe you shouldn´t suggest a very expensive one (maybe you can have your sisters).

    if that doesn´t work, offer them to pick up a new chor.

  14. You can offer to pay for the tv & let them put child locks on it so they can monitor which programs you are allowed to watch. Also, if you try to put a movie in that's higher than the rating they want you to see, they'll have to put a special code in to approve that particular movie (but just for that one use). Show them that you can still be responsible and finish homework without the tv being too distracting. Offer that you'll do your homework first before any tv or outside activities. If you break the rules, tell them that they can take the tv away.

    It sounds strict now, but your parents need to see your dedication to the matter. After a while of following the rules, they'll probably go easier on you once they know that you understand it's a privelage & not a right.

    Showing them that you're willing to make it tough on yourself will show that it won't be as tough on them to make you follow the rules b/c they didn't have to force you to agree to their rules, b/c you made them yourself.

    Hope this works for you. You have to make sure you say this with all intentions of going through with it. Be sincere & not cocky, you know?

  15. Do more things in the house and get good grades show them that you are responsible enough and also show them you bug much or go watch something they dont like with them that worked for me  

  16. Beg. Or show them that you'll work for it (i.e. work around the house or do favors) Just dont ask too mush, as they wont like that. But every once in a while, ask to do something and we'll see what happens.

  17. maybe you should sit down with your parents and ask them to explain the reason that you aren't allowed to have a television in your room. explain to them that it's not going to effect your school work / or your current outdoor activity.  

  18. Go online and find scientific studies and pediatricians and people like that who say that children 2 and under shouldn't watch any TV at all, and that young children should have very limited TV time, or else it'll be harmful to their development. Then, convince your parents to move that TV into your room, and promise to let your little sisters watch it for the 1/2 per day or whatever the maximum time limit for kids those age is. It won't cut into your TV time, since you'll be at school all day.

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