
How to Revise?

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I have exams 2 moz




  1. There are different ways of revising. But just to bullet point a few:-

    * Mind-maps (also known as spider-diagrams)

    * Learning/Covering up/Reciting

    * Learning and then explaining to another person

    * Writing it out

    * Drawing pictures to help you remember

    * Associate the key words with other words (e.g. if you had to remember the word, "psychological", you would remember "psycho" and then think of somebody from your favourite tv programmes or movies or something)

    * Singing rhymes (e.g. to remember how to spell 'difficulty' the song goes, "Mrs D, Mrs I, Mrs F-F-I,, Mrs C, Mrs U, Mrs L-T-Y"

    * Look at past exam papers that you have done

    * Read your teacher's comments and plot answers in your mind or jot them down

    * Look at the exam criteria - working out gives marks and also if you read about the sort of question beforehand, you won't have to waste time pondering about what the question means. People don't always read the question first and miss out on the marks so help yourself and do it before you enter the exam

    * Make notes that you have made in class brief so that you can remember them easily in the morning and in the afternoon before you go to sit your exam

    Hope I helped. Good luck in your exams =]

  2. make notes on what youve done from memory, then look back at your full notes, look at what you dont know, and concentrate on revising that- this helped me through my exams, mainly those that i had a lot to study for

    theres loads of websites, but you should also look at past papers , boring, but beneficial , especially when you need to get used to answering certain types of questions, or practicing them

    good luck :)

  3. Because your exam is tomorrow, you need to do this pretty quickly so try and re-read all the important stuff. No point in trying to learn massive blocks. Go through your contents page of your text book and tick off the stuff you know or think you could write quite decently about. The stuff you don't, go through the chapters and make notes, mindmaps, anything that will get it in your brain. I don't think it's true that last minute revision doesn't work; I actually think it can work amazingly if you do it "properly" which basically means making sure the information goes IN rather than just quickly scanning a page. Reading doesn't helped. It's proven that you need to WRITE THINGS DOWN to remember them and for your brain to remember them, so the best way is to read a page then write down everything you can remember off them. Also asking yourself questions about a certain topic within the subject really helps. It would help if you said what exam you had tomorrow - if it's English, learn loads of quotations etc, if it's something like Biology, know all the equations etc as best as you can. Good luck!

  4. You can go on this really good website for revising.

    or you can go on.....

    and go on interactive.

    It has revision for all years.

    Good Luck on your exams. x

  5. It really depends on what subject you're revising on


    -mostly practice and talking and listening and reading


    -memorisation and quite a bit of appreciation


    -memorisation and clarification


    -Practice and more practice!

  6. How to Revise
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